Within two weeks of receiving your photos from our photographer, your accommodation will be online.
To get started, we need some documents and items from you:
Supplies for a Self in Hand subscription
- Signed contract with Sun and Sea Holidays
- Completed application form for the new accommodation
- Completed inventory list
- Questionnaire and manuals for the digital Info Guide
Requirements for a Go for Convenience subscription
- Signed contract with Zon en Zee Vakanties
- Completed application form for the new accommodation
- Completed application form for a digital lock, or
- Four sets of keys for the front door (if a digital lock is not possible)
- Completed inventory list
- Questionnaire and manuals for the digital Info Guide
- 4 key sets or an application for a digital lock
- At holiday park Sollasi, 2 barrier passes
Preparing the accommodation for rental
Once we have received everything, Zon en Zee Vakanties ensures that your accommodation is made ready for rental.
We do this as follows:
- Our service team performs an initial cleaning.
- The technical service checks, orders and installs a custom-made digital lock (if applicable).
- The photographer takes professional photos of the property, which are online within two weeks.
- The marketing department writes texts in Dutch, German and English.
- Product management processes all data in the booking system and links it with our partners.