When is my accommodation bookable?

Within two weeks of receiving your photos from our photographer, your accommodation will be online.

To get started, we need some documents and items from you:

Supplies for a Self in Hand subscription

- Signed contract with Sun and Sea Holidays

- Completed application form for the new accommodation

- Completed inventory list

- Questionnaire and manuals for the digital Info Guide

Requirements for a Go for Convenience subscription

- Signed contract with Zon en Zee Vakanties

- Completed application form for the new accommodation

- Completed application form for a digital lock, or

- Four sets of keys for the front door (if a digital lock is not possible)

- Completed inventory list

- Questionnaire and manuals for the digital Info Guide

- 4 key sets or an application for a digital lock

- At holiday park Sollasi, 2 barrier passes

Preparing the accommodation for rental

Once we have received everything, Zon en Zee Vakanties ensures that your accommodation is made ready for rental.

We do this as follows:

- Our service team performs an initial cleaning.

- The technical service checks, orders and installs a custom-made digital lock (if applicable).

- The photographer takes professional photos of the property, which are online within two weeks.

- The marketing department writes texts in Dutch, German and English.

- Product management processes all data in the booking system and links it with our partners.